I have been thinking about affirmations lately … what we are subtly telling ourselves. And I am working on one in more depth, and that is “I love my body”. It is uncomfortable to embrace as I feel like as a child of the 80’s I have heard subtle messages since I was young about all the ways my body needs to look different.
And to intensity this, I have many weird and unusual health challenges that, in the end, have been powerful teachers for me to go beyond what I studied in medical school.
Perfect health is a wonderful idea and yet not always feasible.
So in light of this…. I am electing more acceptance of the body and the journey. In light of this, I am thinking about what I put on my body and why it matters. If I am tending to it with care, I would like to put organic, natural (and by this I mean only from nature directly) beauty care products on it as well.
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There is modest regulation of the beauty care industry at best. In #Ayurveda, we might think of our body care products as something our skin “eats” and brings into the body. Therefore, it is also essential to consider the multitude of chemicals that we could be putting on our bodies every day by using cosmetics and body care products.
Each skin is different, so this blend may not work for you… however since I live in the desert, I can use all the extra help from nature I can get. And my dermatologist friends def have brands that are safe to use that they recommend. This is a variation of a blend inspired from @animamundiherbals
Add beetroot powder for lip gloss tint[adjustable][/adjustable]
1 cup organic shea butter
1 cup organic coconut oil
1 cup botanicals (mine included lavender, rose powder, calendula and chamomile … essentiality the same blend that went into the bath mix)
1 part rose powder
1 part chamomile
1 part lavender
1 part calendula
Combine the botanicals and place into oil mixuture
Simmer on very low heat for 30 min to several hours
Strain with cheesecloth
Pour into sterile jars
Let cool for 30 min to 1 hour
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:30 minutes
And almost everything will be available at the local grocery store in some fashion. I like to order bulk herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Check out your beauty products in the following options I recommend that you assess products using one of the following databases or apps: Skin Deep Think Dirty
*Please note as an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases which means I will receive a small fee if you purchase them. I have only included things I truly use. This post is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go here.
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