I have been thinking about affirmations lately … what we are subtly telling ourselves. And I am working on one in more depth, and that is “I love my body”. It is uncomfortable to embrace as I feel like as a child of the 80’s I have heard subtle messages since I was young about […]
Almond Ricotta and Homemade Cracker Yumminess! VEGAN crackers – homemade!!! I was busy in the kitchen this weekend. After completing my integrative medicine fellowship last week, I’m back on schedule to have Facebook live video cooking demonstrations every Saturday at 12 PST. Every week I share plant-based recipes live in the kitchen with seasonal ingredients. […]
Is it hard to fall in love with vegan beet sliders? I don’t think so. In fact, I find vegan beet sliders to be one of the most endearing foods around. I got the idea to make these vegan burgers from our farm CSA box from Maya’s Farm and picked it up from Ollie Vaugn’s […]
Adapting to a plant-based diet Some foods are slightly more difficult to adapt for plant-based eating however that has not stopped me yet from working on translating foods that I used to enjoy eating! Homemade vegan nori rolls are in my top 5 favorite foods. And when they are homemade, they are much more affordable! […]
Early Food Impressions Beet Soup with sauerkraut or “borscht” is one of my earliest solid food memories (outside of having it relayed to me that I loved chocolate ripple ice cream so much as a 2-year old that I would check the trash bin in the morning for telltale signs of consumption). Making a probiotic […]
Fermentation Basics for a Beginner Fermentation is amazing. Let talk more about Fermentation Basics for a Beginner 🌱 About 2-3 years ago, I realized how easy it was to make sauerkraut. As a result of this, we started making small batches to add to our meals. You can ferment virtually any vegetable. Here is how […]