Creating a quick and easy dish for a spring holiday like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day is a great to celebrate their contributions and support in our lives with ease. 3 Ingredient Vegan Quiche takes the stress out of preparing a meal and gives time to celebrate with loved ones with less tension.
I have found that recreating plant-based dishes to give similar texture can be a fun challenge. In particular quiche can be a little nuanced. Recently, I have been experimenting with all the goodness found in
Try This Recipe at Home for a Cozy Plant-Based Breakfast
Finding time to create a meal can be tough, especially through the pandemic while juggling so many other responsibilities.
This dish can be served with fresh green salad and wonderful sourdough bread toast and be very filling. I have found that sometimes at holidays we want to be “all the things” and just by taking a moment or two of pause and finding a healthy, balanced path through can be so important.
This dish can be part of a wonderful brunch.
Food Can Be a Powerful Tool for Creating Health
The food we eat has a major impact on our health, but the way we prepare it can also have an effect. Eating a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can lead to many health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. But what if I told you that changing just one of these factors could make all the difference? Just by cooking a meal with healthier ingredients, you can improve your health.
Create a wonderful brunch with fresh vegetables, whole grains and your guests will be delighted by all the nutrients and flavor present in the meal.
This Vegan Quiche Has so Many Flavor Options
There are so many flavor options that could be explored…
These garlic ramps came from a beautiful farm in Phoenix, Maya’s farm. I was so delighted to find them at the local farmer’s market.
Homemade Vegan Quiche?
When you are a little tighter for time, pre-made pie crusts are a great option. There are plenty of vegan ones available. I loved visiting the bakeries in Europe in my 20’s. They were filled with so many treats and surprises. So I love to make the quiche into these small tart pans. I let the premade dough come to room temp and place into the tart forms. Then back into the freezer to firm up.
Free Ebook
The food we eat significantly impacts our health, but how we prepare it can also have an effect. Eating a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can lead to many health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. Furthermore, what if I told you that changing these factors could make all the difference? You can improve your health by cooking your meals with whole food and plant-based ingredients. First, grab this free recipe ebook that incorporates flavors and principles from my Ayurvedic and Lifestyle Medicine training, and it is 100% plant-based. Then let me know what you have made.
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Video Tutorial
Hop on the video below to explore an abbreviated version of how I make this recipe. See how easy it is to pop the tart out of the pans.
These are the recipes that I eat every day in my plant-based kitchen. We don’t strive for perfection, we aim for nourishment that can sustain us for the work we feel called to do while on this planet. That includes thinking about sustainability, buying local, and creating food seasonally. If you prefer not to use JUST egg, you can make an adaptation using all chickpea flour and oat milk.
Please help me get the word out about plant-based healthy living so that doctors know the value of lifestyle changes by sharing this post on your social media.
Press the pie crust into the tart or pie pan you are using. Try to minimize handling.
Place back into freezer for 30 min.
Combine just egg, chickpea flour and fresh herbs (This recipe is for 8 inch pie pan.) If you have extra, can create a crepe with this same mixture.)
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:45 minutes
Cuisine:American, vegan
Saturated Fat:4
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Hop Over to IG to See How to Make this 3 Ingredient Quiche
I have been enjoying making videos of the meals that I love and have been sharing them on IG. If you are on IG, check out the live preview here. Tag me if you make this dish. I would love to see your version!
Looking to make a positive change in your life and community clincially? Dr. SiriChand is a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, and Hospice/Palliative Medicine. She has dedicated her career to promoting long-term vitality through the choices we make every day and is an expert in Ayurveda and plant-based nutrition.
She particularly works with physicians to explore how to create time for self-care and how to learn to innovate in their integrative medicine careers. Take the first step towards an aligned, happier future, and contact Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa today.
Let’s create a better world together through mindful living. Learn more here.
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This experience is powered by CMEfy – an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at the point of inspiration, point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at
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Kitchen Supplies
Having the right supplies makes being in the kitchen easier. Click below to explore some of my favorite gourmet supplies that are going to increase your wow factor on things you create.
*Please note as an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases which means I will receive a small fee if you purchase them. I have only included things I truly use. This post is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go here.
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